“Riser slugging - a mathematical model and the practical consequences”
Authors: Svein I. Sagatun,Affiliation: Norsk Hydro
Reference: 2005, Vol 26, No 2, pp. 95-120.
Keywords: Multiphase, slug, riser
Abstract: This article presents a novel approach to estimate severe riser slug build up time and consequently the slug period. The slug model is based on a simplified mechanical model. This information has subsequently been used to illustrate the effects of the traditional actions to prevent severe riser slugging. New field data from an offshore floating production platform and large scale experimental data are included. The experimental set up is described in detail. The estimate on the slug built up time provided by the simplified model matches data from the experiments, the full scale data and data in relevant references.

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title={{Riser slugging - a mathematical model and the practical consequences}},
author={Sagatun, Svein I.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}