“Application of seeding and automatic differentiation in a large scale ocean circulation model”
Authors: Frode Martinsen and Dag Slagstad,Affiliation: SINTEF and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2005, Vol 26, No 3, pp. 121-134.
Keywords: Jacobian, automatic differentiation, seeding
Abstract: Computation of the Jacobian in a 3-dimensional general ocean circulation model is considered in this paper. The Jacobian matrix considered in this paper is square, large and sparse. When a large and sparse Jacobian is being computed, proper seeding is essential to reduce computational times. This paper presents a manually designed seeding motivated by the Arakawa-C staggered grid, and gives results for the manually designed seeding as compated to identity seeding and optimal seeding. Finite differences are computed for reference.

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title={{Application of seeding and automatic differentiation in a large scale ocean circulation model}},
author={Martinsen, Frode and Slagstad, Dag},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}