“A Comparative Study of Actuator Configurations for Satellite Attitude Control”
Authors: Raymond Kristiansen, Olav Egeland and Per J. Nicklasson,Affiliation: Narvik University College and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2005, Vol 26, No 4, pp. 201-220.
Keywords: Reaction wheels, magnetic torquers, controllability, satellite attitude control
Abstract: In this paper a controllability study of different actuator configurations consisting of magnetic torquers, reaction wheels and a gravity boom is presented. The theoretical analysis is performed with use of controllability gramians, and simulation results with the different configurations are presented and compared regarding settling time and power consumption to substantiate the theoretical analysis. A reference model is also introduced to show how the power consumption can he lowered to the same magnitude as when magnetic torquers are used, without degrading the satellite response significantly.

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title={{A Comparative Study of Actuator Configurations for Satellite Attitude Control}},
author={Kristiansen, Raymond and Egeland, Olav and Nicklasson, Per J.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}