“Real time hardware-in-loop simulation of ESMO satellite attitude control system”
Authors: Rune Finnset, Sudhakara K. Rao and Jøran Antonsen,Affiliation: Narvik University College
Reference: 2006, Vol 27, No 2, pp. 125-140.
Keywords: Attitude Control, real time simulations, Hardware-in-loop simulation
Abstract: This paper studies attitude control of the ESMO satellite using six reaction thrusters. Bang-bang control with dead-zone and Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) for the modulation of the on-time of the thrusters are treated. Closed loop hardware-in-loop simulations, using themicrocontroller unit (MCU) Microchip PIC18F452 for implementation of attitude control and MatLab in a standard PC for simulating satellite dynamics, are carried out. Results for real time simulation are compared with autonomous simulations. The controller gives a satisfactory performance in the real time environment.

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title={{Real time hardware-in-loop simulation of ESMO satellite attitude control system}},
author={Finnset, Rune and K. Rao, Sudhakara and Antonsen, Jøran},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}