“Systematic Analysis of Parameter Identifiability for Improved Fitting of a Biological Wastewater Model to Experimental Data”
Authors: Cristina Ferrero Sarmiento, Qian Chai, Marta D. Díez, Sverre H. Amrani and Bernt Lie,Affiliation: Telemark University College, Norsk Hydro and BioTek AS, Porsgrunn
Reference: 2006, Vol 27, No 4, pp. 219-238.
Keywords: ASM2d, identifiability analysis, parameter estimation, model fitting
Abstract: In this paper, a general description of wastewater treatment based on activated sludge is given, with emphasis on the ASM2d model. Particular emphasis has been given to make the presentation readable without a too detailed prior knowledge of wastewater treatment. Next, a method for experimental parameter identifiability analysis is described. After a presentation of the wastewater treatment plant at Duvbacken in Gävle, Sweden, the experimental identifiability of the dynamic model is analyzed. Out of the 45 original parameters in the model, the analysis indicates that with the given experimental conditions, 12 parameters can be identified.

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title={{Systematic Analysis of Parameter Identifiability for Improved Fitting of a Biological Wastewater Model to Experimental Data}},
author={Sarmiento, Cristina Ferrero and Chai, Qian and Díez, Marta D. and Amrani, Sverre H. and Lie, Bernt},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}