“Improved Target Calculation for Model Predictive Control”
Authors: Morten Hovd,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2007, Vol 28, No 3, pp. 81-86.
Keywords: Model predictive control, target calculation, disturbances
Abstract: In industrial Model Predictive Control (MPC) applications, it is common to perform target calculation at each sample instant. The purpose of the target calculation is to translate operational targets supplied by higher level optimization functions into control targets that are feasible in the face of current disturbances. This paper shows that the commonly used target calculation formulation is flawed, and that this can lead to significant economic loss. A method for dealing with the identi¯ed problem is proposed.

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title={{Improved Target Calculation for Model Predictive Control}},
author={Hovd, Morten},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}