“Optimizing Adaptive Control Allocation With Actuator Dynamics”
Authors: Johannes Tjønnås and Tor A. Johansen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2008, Vol 29, No 2, pp. 69-76.
Keywords: Control allocation; Adaptive control; Nonlinear systems
Abstract: In this work we address the optimizing control allocation problem for an over-actuated nonlinear time- varying system with actuator dynamic where parameters affine in the actuator and effector model may be assumed unknown. Instead of optimizing the control allocation at each time instant, a dynamic approach is considered by constructing actuator reference update-laws that represent an asymptotically optimal allocation search. By using Lyapunov analysis for cascaded set-stable systems, uniform global/local asymptotic stability is guaranteed for the optimal equilibrium sets described by the system, the control allocation update-law and the adaptive update-law, if some persistence of exitation condition holds. Simulations of a scaled-model ship, manoeuvred at low-speed, demonstrate the performance of the proposed allocation scheme.

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title={{Optimizing Adaptive Control Allocation With Actuator Dynamics}},
author={Tjønnås, Johannes and Johansen, Tor A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}