“Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access”
Authors: Morten Breivik, Geir Hovland and Pål J. From,Affiliation: NTNU, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures, University of Agder and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2009, Vol 30, No 3, pp. 181-190.
Keywords: Web 2.0, Science 2.0, Open Access, Journal Ranking, Print On Demand, Publication Methods
Abstract: This paper considers current trends in academic research and publication, in particular as seen from the control community. The introduction of Web 2.0 applications for scientists and engineers is currently changing the way research is being conducted. In the near future, participants in the research community will be able to share ideas, data and results like never before. They will also be able to manage the rapidly increasing amount of scientific information much more effectively than today through collaborative efforts enabled by the new Internet tools. However, an important premise for such a development is the availability of research material. Many research results are currently shielded behind expensive subscription schemes that impede the sharing of information. At the same time, an increasing amount of research is being published through open access channels with unrestricted availability. Interestingly, recent studies show that such policies contribute to an increased number of citations compared to the pay-based alternatives. In sum, the parallel development of new tools for research collaboration and an increased access to research material may fundamentally transform the way research is going to be conducted in the future.

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title={{Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access}},
author={Breivik, Morten and Hovland, Geir and From, Pål J.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}