“Modeling of Human Arm Energy Expenditure for Predicting Energy Optimal Trajectories”
Authors: Lelai Zhou, Shaoping Bai, Michael R. Hansen and John Rasmussen,Affiliation: Aalborg University and University of Agder
Reference: 2011, Vol 32, No 3, pp. 91-101.
Keywords: Metabolic cost, Human arm motion, Musculoskeletal model, Biomechanics
Abstract: Human arm motion can inspire the trajectory planning of anthropomorphic robotic arms to achieve energy-efficient movements. An approach for predicting metabolic cost in the planar human arm motion by means of the biomechanical simulation is proposed in this work. Two biomechanical models, including an analytical model and a musculoskeletal model, are developed to implement the proposed approach. The analytical model is developed by modifying a human muscle expenditure model, in which the muscles are grouped as torque providers for computation efficiency. In the musculoskeletal model, the predication of metabolic cost is conducted on the basis of individual muscles. With the proposed approach, metabolic costs for parameterized target-reaching arm motions are calculated and utilized to identify optimal arm trajectories.

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title={{Modeling of Human Arm Energy Expenditure for Predicting Energy Optimal Trajectories}},
author={Zhou, Lelai and Bai, Shaoping and Hansen, Michael R. and Rasmussen, John},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}