“Analysis of Offshore Knuckle Boom Crane - Part One: Modeling and Parameter Identification”
Authors: Morten K. Bak and Michael R. Hansen,Affiliation: University of Agder
Reference: 2013, Vol 34, No 4, pp. 157-174.
Keywords: Hydraulic crane, multi-body system, flexibility, directional control valve, counterbalance valve
Abstract: This paper presents an extensive model of a knuckle boom crane used for pipe handling on offshore drilling rigs. The mechanical system is modeled as a multi-body system and includes the structural flexibility and damping. The motion control system model includes the main components of the crane's electro-hydraulic actuation system. For this a novel black-box model for counterbalance valves is presented, which uses two different pressure ratios to compute the flow through the valve. Experimental data and parameter identification, based on both numerical optimization and manual tuning, are used to verify the crane model. The demonstrated modeling and parameter identification techniques target the system engineer and takes into account the limited access to component data normally encountered by engineers working with design of hydraulic systems.

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title={{Analysis of Offshore Knuckle Boom Crane - Part One: Modeling and Parameter Identification}},
author={Bak, Morten K. and Hansen, Michael R.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}