“An Approach to Automated Model Composition Illustrated in the Context of Design Verification”
Authors: Wladimir Schamai, Lena Buffoni and Peter Fritzson,Affiliation: Airbus and Linköping University
Reference: 2014, Vol 35, No 2, pp. 79-91.
Keywords: Bindings, model composition, requirement formalization, design verification
Abstract: Building complex systems form models that were developed separately without modifying existing code is a challenging task faced on a regular basis in multiple contexts, for instance, in design verification. To address this issue, this paper presents a new approach for automating the dynamic system model composition. The presented approach aims to maximise information reuse, by defining the minimum set of information that is necessary to the composition process, to maximise decoupling by removing the need for explicit interfaces and to present a methodology with a modular and structured approach to composition. Moreover the presented approach is illustrated in the context of system design verification against requirements using a Modelica environment, and an approach for expressing the information necessary for automating the composition is formalized.

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title={{An Approach to Automated Model Composition Illustrated in the Context of Design Verification}},
author={Schamai, Wladimir and Buffoni, Lena and Fritzson, Peter},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}