“Modeling and Control for Dynamic Positioned Marine Vessels in Drifting Managed Sea Ice”
Authors: Øyvind Kåre Kjerstad and Roger Skjetne,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Marine Technology
Reference: 2014, Vol 35, No 4, pp. 249-262.
Keywords: Dynamic positioning, Numerical simulation, Control design, Nonlinear systems
Abstract: This paper presents a development framework for dynamic positioning control systems for marine vessels in managed ice. Due to the complexity of the vessel-ice and ice-ice interactions a configurable high fidelity numerical model simulating the vessel, the ice floes, the water, and the boundaries is applied. The numerical model is validated using experimental data and coupled with a control application incorporating sensor models, control systems, actuator models, and other external dynamics to form a closed loop development platform. The ice drift reversal is simulated by moving the positioning reference frame in an elliptic trajectory, rather than moving each individual ice floe. A control plant model is argued, and a control system for managed ice is proposed based on conventional open water design methods. A case study shows that dynamic positioning in managed ice is feasible for some moderate ice conditions.

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title={{Modeling and Control for Dynamic Positioned Marine Vessels in Drifting Managed Sea Ice}},
author={Kjerstad, Øyvind Kåre and Skjetne, Roger},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}