“A Proactive Strategy for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration based on a Simplified Risk Analysis”
Authors: Audun Sanderud, Trygve Thomessen, Hisashi Osumi and Mihoko Niitsuma,Affiliation: PPM AS and Chuo University, Tokyo
Reference: 2015, Vol 36, No 1, pp. 11-21.
Keywords: Safe Human-Robot Collaboration, Risk Field, Risk Analysis
Abstract: In an increasing demand for human-robot collaboration systems, the need for safe robots is crucial. This paper presents a proactive strategy to enable an awareness of the current risk for the robot. The awareness is based upon a map of historically occupied space by the operator. The map is built based on a risk evaluation of each pose presented by the operator. The risk evaluation results in a risk field that can be used to evaluate the risk of a collaborative task. Based on this risk field, a control algorithm that constantly reduces the current risk within its task constraints was developed. Kinematic redundancy was exploited for simultaneous task performance within task constraints, and risk minimization. Sphere-based geometric models were used both for the human and robot. The strategy was tested in simulation, and implemented and experimentally tested on a NACHI MR20 7-axes industrial robot.

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title={{A Proactive Strategy for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration based on a Simplified Risk Analysis}},
author={Sanderud, Audun and Thomessen, Trygve and Osumi, Hisashi and Niitsuma, Mihoko},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}