“Discrete Learning Control with Application to Hydraulic Actuators”
Authors: Torben Ole Andersen, Henrik C. Pedersen and Michael R. Hansen,Affiliation: Aalborg University and University of Agder
Reference: 2015, Vol 36, No 4, pp. 215-224.
Keywords: Discrete learning control, Hydraulic actuators
Abstract: In this paper the robustness of a class of learning control algorithms to state disturbances, output noise, and errors in initial conditions is studied. We present a simple learning algorithm and exhibit, via a concise proof, bounds on the asymptotic trajectory errors for the learned input and the corresponding state and output trajectories. Furthermore, these bounds are continuous functions of the bounds on the initial condition errors, state disturbance, and output noise, and the bounds are zero in the absence of these disturbances.

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title={{Discrete Learning Control with Application to Hydraulic Actuators}},
author={Andersen, Torben Ole and Pedersen, Henrik C. and Hansen, Michael R.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}