“Experimental System Identification and Black Box Modeling of Hydraulic Directional Control Valve”
Authors: Sondre Sanden Tørdal, Andreas Klausen and Morten K. Bak,Affiliation: University of Agder
Reference: 2015, Vol 36, No 4, pp. 225-235.
Keywords: Directional control valve, system identification, black box modeling, Brevini HPV41
Abstract: Directional control valves play a large role in most hydraulic systems. When modeling the hydraulic systems, it is important that both the steady state and dynamic characteristics of the valves are modeled correctly to reproduce the dynamic characteristics of the entire system. In this paper, a proportional valve (Brevini HPV 41) is investigated to identify its dynamic and steady state characteristics. The steady state characteristics are identified by experimental flow curves. The dynamics are determined through frequency response analysis and identified using several transfer functions. The paper also presents a simulation model of the valve describing both steady state and dynamic characteristics. The simulation results are verified through several experiments.

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title={{Experimental System Identification and Black Box Modeling of Hydraulic Directional Control Valve}},
author={Tørdal, Sondre Sanden and Klausen, Andreas and Bak, Morten K.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}