“Model based control for run-of-river system. Part 1: Model implementation and tuning”
Authors: Liubomyr Vytvytskyi, Roshan Sharma and Bernt Lie,Affiliation: Telemark University College
Reference: 2015, Vol 36, No 4, pp. 237-249.
Keywords: Run-of-river hydropower, Saint Venant Equations, Modeling, Simulation
Abstract: Optimal operation and control of a run-of-river hydro power plant depends on good knowledge of the elements of the plant in the form of models. River reaches are often considered shallow channels with free surfaces. A typical model for such reaches use the Saint Venant model, which is a 1D distributed model based on the mass and momentum balances. This combination of free surface and momentum balance makes the problem numerically challenging to solve. The finite volume method with staggered grid was compared with the Kurganov-Petrova central upwind scheme, and was used to illustrate the dynamics of the river upstream from the Grønvollfoss run-of-river power plant in Telemark, Norway, operated by Skagerak Energi AS. In an experiment on the Grønvollfoss run-of-river power plant, a step was injected in the upstream inlet flow at Årlifoss, and the resulting change in level in front of the dam at the Grønvollfoss plant was logged. The results from the theoretical Saint Venant model was then compared to the experimental results. Because of uncertainties in the geometry of the river reach (river bed slope, etc.), the slope and length of the varying slope parts were tuned manually to improve the fit. Then, friction factor, river width and height drop of the river was tuned by minimizing a least squares criterion. The results of the improved model (numerically, tuned to experiments), is a model that can be further used for control synthesis and analysis.

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title={{Model based control for run-of-river system. Part 1: Model implementation and tuning}},
author={Vytvytskyi, Liubomyr and Sharma, Roshan and Lie, Bernt},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}