“Model-Free Predictive Anti-Slug Control of a Well-Pipeline-Riser”
Authors: Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio,Affiliation: Telemark University College
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 1, pp. 41-52.
Keywords: Model-Free, Model Predictive Control, Kalman filter, system identification, anti-slug, well-pipeline-riser
Abstract: Simplified linearized discrete time dynamic state space models are developed for a 3-phase well-pipeline-riser and tested together with a high fidelity dynamic model built in K-Spice and LedaFlow. In addition the Meglio pipeline-riser model is used as an example process. These models are developed from a subspace algorithm, i.e. Deterministic and Stochastic system identification and Realization (DSR), and implemented in a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for stabilizing the slugging regime. The MPC, LQR and PI control strategies are tested.

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title={{Model-Free Predictive Anti-Slug Control of a Well-Pipeline-Riser}},
author={Dalen, Christer and Di Ruscio, David},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}