“Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Room Buildings”
Authors: D.W.U. Perera and Nils-Olav Skeie,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 2, pp. 99-111.
Keywords: Multi-floor, Multi-room, Physical models, Single-zone
Abstract: Buildings are one of the largest energy consumers in the world which accounts for nearly 40% of the total global energy consumption. In the countries where cold climate conditions predominate, space heating is the key contributor to the increased energy consumption. Today there is a growing trend to use Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) to control the energy consumption of buildings in an efficient manner. BEMS require a good heating model of the building to be integrated for better control purposes. This article refers to the development of different types of physics based buillding heating models, regarding single-zone, multi-floor and multi-room buildings. They address the propriety of each model in building heating control concerning the prediction accuracy and the prediction time. These models are verified for a residential building having three floors. According to the results, the multi-floor model is recognized to have the best qualifications obliged as a model for control.

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title={{Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Room Buildings}},
author={Perera, D.W.U. and Skeie, Nils-Olav},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}