“Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller”
Authors: Miodrag Spasic, Morten Hovd, Darko Mitic and Dragan Antic,Affiliation: University of Nis, Serbia and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 3, pp. 181-193.
Keywords: Model Predictive Control, robustness, Sliding Mode Control, Mixed Integer Linear Program
Abstract: This paper studies Tube Model Predictive Control (MPC) with a Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) as an auxiliary controller. It is shown how to calculate the tube widths under SMC control, and thus how much the constraints of the nominal MPC have to be tightened in order to achieve robust stability and constraint fulfillment. The analysis avoids the assumption of infinitely fast switching in the SMC controller.

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title={{Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller}},
author={Spasic, Miodrag and Hovd, Morten and Mitic, Darko and Antic, Dragan},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}