“Numerical and Experimental Study of a Novel Concept for Hydraulically Controlled Negative Loads”
Authors: Jesper Kirk Sørensen, Michael R. Hansen and Morten K. Ebbesen,Affiliation: University of Agder
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 4, pp. 195-211.
Keywords: counterbalance valve, pressure compensated valve, instabilities in hydraulic systems, nonlinear model, load-holding application
Abstract: This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation of a novel concept that eliminates oscillations in hydraulic systems containing a counterbalance valve in series with a pressure compensated flow supply. The concept utilizes a secondary circuit where a low-pass filtered value of the load pressure is generated and fed back to the compensator of the flow supply valve. The novel concept has been implemented on a single boom actuated by a cylinder. A nonlinear model of the system has been developed and an experimental verification shows good correspondence between the model and the real system. The model is used for a parameter study on the novel concept. From the study it is found that the system is stable for large directional valve openings and that for small openings a reduction of the oscillatory behaviour of the system can be obtained by either lowering the eigenfrequency of the mechanical-hydraulic system or by lowering the pilot area ratio of the counterbalance valve.

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title={{Numerical and Experimental Study of a Novel Concept for Hydraulically Controlled Negative Loads}},
author={Sørensen, Jesper Kirk and Hansen, Michael R. and Ebbesen, Morten K.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}