“Industrial Evaluation of Integrated Performance Analysis and Equation Model Debugging for Equation-Based Models”
Authors: Åke Kinnander, Martin Sjölund and Adrian Pop,Affiliation: SIEMENS and Linköping University
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 4, pp. 225-236.
Keywords: profiler, debugging, Modelica, industrial, OpenModelica
Abstract: The ease of use and the high abstraction level of equation-based object-oriented (EOO) languages such as Modelica has the drawback that performance problems and modeling errors are often hard to find. To address this problem, we have earlier developed advanced performance analysis and equation model debugging support in the OpenModelica tool. The aim of the work reported in this paper is to perform an independent investigation and evaluation of this equation model performance analysis and debugging methods and tool support on industrial models. The results turned out to be mainly positive. The integrated debugger and performance analyzer locates several kinds of errors such as division by zero, chattering, etc., and greatly facilitates finding the equations that take most of the execution time during simulation. It remains to further evaluate the performance profiler and debugger on even larger industrial models.

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title={{Industrial Evaluation of Integrated Performance Analysis and Equation Model Debugging for Equation-Based Models}},
author={Kinnander, Åke and Sjölund, Martin and Pop, Adrian},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}