“A Decoupled Approach for Flight Control”
Authors: Espen Oland and Raymond Kristiansen,Affiliation: The Arctic University of Norway
Reference: 2016, Vol 37, No 4, pp. 237-246.
Keywords: Decoupling, flight control, unmanned aerial vehicle, quaternions, nonlinear control
Abstract: A decoupling method for flight control is presented that greatly simplifies the controller design. By approximating the higher order derivatives of the angle of attack and sideslip, it enables a rotation controller and a speed controller to be derived independently of each other, and thus gives access to a vast number of controller solutions derived for general classes of rotational and translational systems. For rotational control, a quaternion-based sliding surface controller is derived to align the wind frame in a desired direction, and using standard Lyapunov methods an airspeed controller is derived to ensure that an unmanned aerial vehicle moves with a positive airspeed. Simulations validate the potential of the proposed method, where the unmanned aerial vehicle is able to obtain leveled flight and move in a desired direction with a desired airspeed.

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title={{A Decoupled Approach for Flight Control}},
author={Oland, Espen and Kristiansen, Raymond},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}