“Tuning PD and PID Controllers for Double Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems”
Authors: David Di Ruscio and Christer Dalen,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway
Reference: 2017, Vol 38, No 2, pp. 95-110.
Keywords: PD and PID controllers, tuning, double integrating system, time delay, maximum time delay error, relative time-delay margin, frequency analysis, robustness, performance
Abstract: An existing method for tuning a PI controller for an integrating plus time delay plant are extended to be used for the design of a PD controller for a double integrating plus time delay plant. The PD controller is extended with integral action and an ideal PID controller is suggested in order to achieve optimality of the closed loop responses. Furthermore, some analytical results concerning the proposed PD and PID controller algorithm regarding the relative time-delay margin are worked out and presented. The algorithm and an existing method are successfully compared against each other on some examples, e.g. the planar movement control of a mariner vessel.

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title={{Tuning PD and PID Controllers for Double Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems}},
author={Di Ruscio, David and Dalen, Christer},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}