“PD/PID controller tuning based on model approximations: Model reduction of some unstable and higher order nonlinear models”
Authors: Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway
Reference: 2017, Vol 38, No 4, pp. 185-197.
Keywords: PD and PID controllers, tuning, double integrating system, time delay, maximum time delay error, relative time delay margin, robustness, performance, Pareto Optimal
Abstract: A model reduction technique based on optimization theory is presented, where a possible higher order system/model is approximated with an unstable DIPTD model by using only step response data. The DIPTD model is used to tune PD/PID controllers for the underlying possible higher order system. Numerous examples are used to illustrate the theory, i.e. both linear and nonlinear models. The Pareto Optimal controller is used as a reference controller.

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title={{PD/PID controller tuning based on model approximations: Model reduction of some unstable and higher order nonlinear models}},
author={Dalen, Christer and Di Ruscio, David},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}