“Transient conformal TEHL algorithms for multibody simulation”
Authors: Dag Fritzson,Affiliation: AB SKF
Reference: 2018, Vol 39, No 3, pp. 209-232.
Keywords: conformal contact, TEHL, transient, thermal, elastohydrodynamic, multibody, BEAST
Abstract: This article describes aspects of transient thermal elasto-hydrodynamical lubrication (TEHL) contact modelling for conformal contacts. This is to be utilized in a multibody simulation (MBS) framework for engineering purposes. The verification and proof of concept is done by implementation in the tool BEAST (Fritzson et al., 2014) and by comparision to published experiments and simulation results.

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title={{Transient conformal TEHL algorithms for multibody simulation}},
author={Fritzson, Dag},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}