“Finding Clusters in Petri Nets. An approach based on GPenSIM”
Authors: Reggie Davidrajuh, Damian Krenczyk and Bozena Skolud,Affiliation: University of Stavanger and Silesian University of Technology
Reference: 2019, Vol 40, No 1, pp. 1-10.
Keywords: Clusters, peer-pressure method, Petri Nets, GPenSIM, Flexible Manufacturing System
Abstract: Graph theory provides some methods for finding clusters in networks. Clusters reflect the invisible grouping of the elements in a network. This paper presents a new method for finding clusters in networks. In this method, the user can adjust a parameter to change the number of clusters. This method is newly added to the simulator General-purpose Petri Net Simulator (GPenSIM) as a function for network analysis. With this GPenSIM function, in addition to the usual performance analysis of a discrete-event system via a Petri net model, supplementary information about the grouping of the elements can also be found. Finding clusters in discrete-event systems provides valuable information such as the ideal location of the elements in a manufacturing network. This paper also presents an application example on a flexible manufacturing system.

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title={{Finding Clusters in Petri Nets. An approach based on GPenSIM}},
author={Davidrajuh, Reggie and Krenczyk, Damian and Skolud, Bozena},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}