“Control System Commissioning of Fully Levitated Bearingless Machine”
Authors: Pekko Jaatinen, Jouni Vuojolainen, Niko Nevaranta, Rafal Jastrzebski and Olli Pyrhönen,Affiliation: Lappeenranta University of Technology
Reference: 2019, Vol 40, No 1, pp. 27-39.
Keywords: Bearingless, magnetic levitation, MIMO control, self-levitating, system identification, 5-DOF
Abstract: The bearingless permanent magnet synchronous motor (BPMSM) is a compact motor structure that combines the motoring and bearing functions based on well-designed integrated windings for generating both torque and magnetic suspension force. In order to achieve a successful high-performance control design for the BPMSM, an adequate model of the rotor dynamics is essential. This paper proposes simplified multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) control approaches, namely the pole placement and the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR), that allow to carry out identification experiments in full levitation. Additionally, the stability of the MIMO levitation controller is verified with the rotation tests. Compared with other recently published works, the novelty of this paper is to experimentally demonstrate that a stable fully levitated five-degrees-of-freedom (5-DOF) operation of a bearingless machine can be achieved by the proposed approach, and thereby, options for commissioning of such a system are obtained.

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[3] Niko Nevaranta, Pekko Jaatinen, Jouni Vuojolainen, Teemu Sillanpää and Olli Pyrhönen (2020), doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2019.102313 |
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[6] Ibrahim Abubakar, Atte Putkonen, Marek Rehtla, Tuomo Lindh, Stijn Derammelaere and Niko Nevaranta (2024), doi:10.4173/mic.2024.3.3 |
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title={{Control System Commissioning of Fully Levitated Bearingless Machine}},
author={Jaatinen, Pekko and Vuojolainen, Jouni and Nevaranta, Niko and Jastrzebski, Rafal and Pyrhönen, Olli},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}