“On-line parameter and state estimation of an air handling unit model: experimental results using the modulating function method”
Authors: Ana Ionesi, M. Hossein Ramezani and Jerome Jouffroy,Affiliation: Danfoss, University of Southern Denmark and University College Lillebaelt
Reference: 2019, Vol 40, No 3, pp. 161-176.
Keywords: Modulating function method, heat flow, air-handling unit, parameter and state estimation
Abstract: This paper considers the on-line implementation of the modulating function method, for parameter and state estimation, for the model of an air-handling unit, central element of HVAC systems. After recalling the few elements of the method, more attention is paid on issues related to its on-line implementation, issues for which we use two different techniques. Experimental results are obtained after implementation of the algorithms on a heat flow experiment, and they are compared with conventional techniques (conventional tools from Matlab for parameter estimation, and a simple Luenberger observer for state estimation) for their validation.

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title={{On-line parameter and state estimation of an air handling unit model: experimental results using the modulating function method}},
author={Ionesi, Ana and Ramezani, M. Hossein and Jouffroy, Jerome},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}