“Dynamic model for simulating transient behaviour of rotary drum granulation loop”
Authors: Ludmila Vesjolaja, Bjørn Glemmestad and Bernt Lie,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway and Yara
Reference: 2020, Vol 41, No 2, pp. 65-77.
Keywords: Granulation loop, population balance, layering, agglomeration
Abstract: In this paper, a dynamic model for a rotary drum granulation loop with external product separator is developed. A population balance is used to capture dynamic particle size distribution in the 3-compartment rotary drum granulator model. Particle agglomeration along with particle growth due to layering are assumed as granulation mechanisms in the rotary drum. The model of the granulation loop includes models of the drum, screens and a crusher. Simulations using the developed model provide valuable data on dynamic fluctuations in the inlet and the outlet particle size distribution for the rotary drum. Simulation results showed that at smaller crusher gap spacings, the instabilities of the drum granulation loop occur, and damped oscillations are observed. Above the critical crusher gap spacing, sustained periodic oscillations are observed. The reason for oscillations is the off-spec particle flow that is recycled back to the granulator.

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title={{Dynamic model for simulating transient behaviour of rotary drum granulation loop}},
author={Vesjolaja, Ludmila and Glemmestad, Bjørn and Lie, Bernt},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}