“Development of 3D Anti-Swing Control for Hydraulic Knuckle Boom Crane”
Authors: Konrad J. Jensen, Morten K. Ebbesen and Michael R. Hansen,Affiliation: University of Agder
Reference: 2021, Vol 42, No 3, pp. 113-129.
Keywords: Loader crane; Anti-swing; Hydraulics; Kinematics; Feedforward; Pressure feedback
Abstract: In this paper, 3D anti-swing control for a hydraulic loader crane is presented. The difference between hydraulic and electric cranes are discussed to show the challenges associated with hydraulic actuation. The hanging load dynamics and relevant kinematics of the crane are derived to model the system and create the 3D anti-swing controller. The anti-swing controller generates a set of tool point velocities which are added to the electro-hydraulic motion controller via feedforward. A dynamic simulation model of the crane is made, and the control system is evaluated in simulations with a path controller in actuator space. Simulation results show significant reduction in the load swing angles during motion using the proposed anti-swing controller in addition to pressure feedback. Experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the anti-swing controller. Results show that the implemented pressure feedback is crucial for reaching stability, and with it the control system yields good suppression of the swing angles in practice.

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title={{Development of 3D Anti-Swing Control for Hydraulic Knuckle Boom Crane}},
author={Jensen, Konrad J. and Ebbesen, Morten K. and Hansen, Michael R.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}