“Simulation tool for dimensioning power train of hybrid working machine”
Authors: Anna Tupitsina, Jan-Henri Montonen, Jani Alho, Paula Immonen, Mika Lauren, Pia Lindh and Tuomo Lindh,Affiliation: Lappeenranta University of Technology and Turku University of Applied Sciences
Reference: 2021, Vol 42, No 4, pp. 143-158.
Keywords: Hybrid working machine, power train, simulation tool
Abstract: The tightening of emission standards and related regulations leads to the necessity of the hybridization of mobile machines. The working operation profile of non-road machinery differs for diverse application types and often varies on large scale. Since the series production of mobile vehicles is generally relatively limited, their design can be tailored to a specific driving cycle. Therefore, this work aims to introduce a simulation tool, which is flexible for the initial design of a non-road hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) drivetrain when different architectures (series and parallel) and dimension of components are considered. The dimensioning is based on the load cycles, that describe the power of the machine during the operational process. For the ease of the first design, each component is modeled mainly using the data available from manufacturers. Case studies are provided to illustrate the use of the simulation tool, where different options of the dimensioned hybrid powertrain are considered.

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title={{Simulation tool for dimensioning power train of hybrid working machine}},
author={Tupitsina, Anna and Montonen, Jan-Henri and Alho, Jani and Immonen, Paula and Lauren, Mika and Lindh, Pia and Lindh, Tuomo},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}