“Model-Free All-Source-All-Destination Learning as a Model for Biological Reactive Control”
Authors: Martinius Knudsen, Sverre Hendseth, Gunnar Tufte and Axel Sandvig,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and NTNU
Reference: 2021, Vol 42, No 4, pp. 197-204.
Keywords: Control,Reinforcement learning, Underactuated systems
Abstract: We present here a model-free method for learning actions that lead to an all-source-all-destination shortest path solution. We motivate our approach in the context of biological learning for reactive control. Our method involves an agent exploring an unknown world with the objective of learning how to get from any starting state to any goal state in shortest time without having to run a path planning algorithm for each new goal selection. Using concepts of Lyapunov functions and Bellman's principle of optimality, our agent learns universal state-goal distances and best actions that solve this problem.

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title={{Model-Free All-Source-All-Destination Learning as a Model for Biological Reactive Control}},
author={Knudsen, Martinius and Hendseth, Sverre and Tufte, Gunnar and Sandvig, Axel},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}