“Subspace System Identification of a Pilot Tunnel System of a Combined Sewage System”
Authors: Yongjie Wang and Finn Haugen,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway
Reference: 2023, Vol 44, No 2, pp. 69-82.
Keywords: Urban drainage systems, subspace system identification, drainage tunnel, model-based control, Saint-Venant equations
Abstract: This paper presents an investigation into the potential use of subspace identification methods (SIMs) for model-based control of urban drainage systems (UDS) that play a crucial role in collecting and transporting stormwater runoff and domestic sewage to Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) in urban areas. To evaluate the feasibility of level control using model-based algorithms in UDS, a pilot tunnel system was constructed. Three linear state-space models were identified using the system identification toolbox in MATLAB and an open-source module in Python named SIPPY. The study finds that the identified models can predict the system output with acceptable accuracy thus for model-based control of the system. The findings of this study aim to contribute to the development of more efficient and effective control strategies for UDS.

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title={{Subspace System Identification of a Pilot Tunnel System of a Combined Sewage System}},
author={Wang, Yongjie and Haugen, Finn},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}