“Optimizing PID Controller Design for Rotor Systems Suspended by Active Magnetic Bearings”
Authors: Ibrahim Abubakar, Atte Putkonen, Marek Rehtla, Tuomo Lindh, Stijn Derammelaere and Niko Nevaranta,Affiliation: Lappeenranta University of Technology and University of Antwerp
Reference: 2024, Vol 45, No 3, pp. 105-114.
Keywords: Active Magnetic Bearing, PID control, Multiobjective optimization
Abstract: In many industrial applications, one of the primary advantages of using PID-based controllers is their simplicity, tunability, and ease of implementation. However, in the case of high-speed machines with magnetically suspended rotor systems, the stabilizing control solution often involves combining PID controllers with supporting filter structures. Depending on the case, this can lead to controllers with a significant number of tunable parameters, ranging from 10 to 35, which can be a challenging task when done manually. Therefore, a multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization is proposed in this paper to seek an optimal configuration for the controller parameters. This paper concentrates on optimizing PID-based controllers for AMB-suspended rotor systems, aiming to enable the analysis of outcomes within a standardized framework. Thus, the closed-loop performance is evaluated by the obtained damping properties and robustness. Moreover, an experimental AMB-rotor system is used to assess the performance of the controllers.

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title={{Optimizing PID Controller Design for Rotor Systems Suspended by Active Magnetic Bearings}},
author={Abubakar, Ibrahim and Putkonen, Atte and Rehtla, Marek and Lindh, Tuomo and Derammelaere, Stijn and Nevaranta, Niko},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}