Author: Ole Ø. Mouritsen

 Total number of MIC articles   3
 Total number of DOI citations  19
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  18
 Average citations per article  6.33
 Average excluding self-citations  6.00
 Years 2011 - 2012 

MIC: Ole Ø. Mouritsen

3. Rasmus M. Sørensen, Michael R. Hansen and Ole Ø. Mouritsen, “Numerical and Experimental Study of Friction Loss in Hydrostatic Motor”, 2012-3-2
[1] Christian Nørgård, Michael Møller Bech, Torben Ole Andersen and Jeppe Hals Christensen (2018), doi:10.4173/mic.2018.1.3
[2] Feng Wang, Haoxiang Zhang, Bing Xu and Kim Stelson (2020), doi:10.1109/TMECH.2020.3001363
2. Morten Haastrup, Michael R. Hansen, Morten K. Ebbesen and Ole Ø. Mouritsen, “Modeling and Parameter Identification of Deflections in Planetary Stage of Wind Turbine Gearbox”, 2012-1-1
[1] Niels Leergaard Pedersen and Martin Felix Jørgensen (2014), doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2014.01.023
[2] S. Struggl, V. Berbyuk and H. Johansson (2014), doi:10.1002/we.1721
[3] Christopher Okechukwu Izelu and Iyabo Seyefa Oghenevwaire (2014), doi:10.1109/ICRERA.2014.7016452
[4] Bo Wang, Melanie Michon, Rob Holehouse and Kais Atallah (2015), doi:10.1109/ECCE.2015.7309791
[5] Dariusz D browski and Anand Natarajan (2017), doi:10.1002/we.2098
[6] C Spitas and V Spitas (2016), doi:10.1177/0954406215596696
[7] Mohammed Saleh, Ayman Nada, Ahmed El-Betar and Ahmed El-Assal (2017), doi:10.1155/2017/4027834
[8] Shen Long Li, Jiang Li Pan and Hua Bing Yin (2013), doi:10.4028/
[9] Xue Chen and Ling Li Cui (2013), doi:10.4028/
[10] Frederik Vanhollebeke, Pepijn Peeters, Jan Helsen, Emilio Di Lorenzo, Simone Manzato, Joris Peeters, Dirk Vandepitte and Wim Desmet (2015), doi:10.1115/1.4028600
[11] Franco Concli and Athanasios Kolios (2021), doi:10.3390/computation9030038
1. Søren E. Sørensen, Michael R. Hansen, Morten K. Ebbesen and Ole Ø. Mouritsen, “Implicit Identification of Contact Parameters in a Continuous Chain Model”, 2011-1-1
[1] Søren Emil Sørensen, Michael R. Hansen, Morten K. Ebbesen and Ole Ø. Mouritsen (2012), doi:10.1007/s00158-011-0743-7
[2] Xiaogang Xiong, Ryo Kikuuwe and Motoji Yamamoto (2013), doi:10.1155/2013/320276
[3] Janete Alves, Nuno Peixinho, Miguel Tavares da Silva, Paulo Flores and Hamid M. Lankarani (2015), doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2014.11.020
[4] Charlie Mathey, Cyril Feau, Ioannis Politopoulos, David Clair, Laurent Baillet and Michel Fogli (2016), doi:10.1002/eqe.2773
[5] Xiaogang Xiong, Ryo Kikuuwe and Motoji Yamamoto (2013), doi:10.1115/1.4024403
[6] Qian Liu, Jianxun Liang and Ou Ma (2020), doi:10.1007/s11044-020-09746-w