Author: John Klatt

 Total number of MIC articles   1
 Total number of DOI citations  7
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  7
 Average citations per article  7.00
 Average excluding self-citations  7.00
 Years 1985 - 1985 

MIC: John Klatt

1. Coleman B. Brosilow, Yin-Chang Liu, Jeffrey Cook and John Klatt, “Modular Integration Methods for Simulation of Large-Scale Dynamic Systems”, 1985-3-4
[1] Wolfgang Marquardt, Peter Holl, Ernst Dieter Gilles and Dieter Butz (1987), doi:10.1002/ceat.270100121
[2] Nina Enaasen, Andrew Tobiesen, Hanne M. Kvamsdal and Magne Hillestad (2013), doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.042
[3] Arne Tyssø (1985), doi:10.4173/mic.1985.3.2
[4] John D. Perkins (1986), doi:10.4173/mic.1986.2.2
[5] M. Hillestad and T. Hertzberg (1988), doi:10.1016/0098-1354(88)85056-7
[6] Hubert B. Keller (1987), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-73000-9_26
[7] Hubert B. Keller (1988), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-74127-2_16