Author: Lars Christian Gansel

 Total number of MIC articles   2
 Total number of DOI citations  6
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  3
 Average citations per article  3.00
 Average excluding self-citations  1.50
 Years 2021 - 2021 

MIC: Lars Christian Gansel

2. Sihan Gao, Lars Christian Gansel, Guoyuan Li and Houxiang Zhang, “An Integrated Approach to Modelling Fish Cage Response in the Flow”, 2021-4-3
[1] Sihan Gao, Peihua Han, Lars Christian Gansel, Guoyuan Li and Houxiang Zhang (2023), doi:10.1109/ICIEA58696.2023.10241403
[2] Sihan Gao, Chunling Wang, Stig Atle Tuene, Guoyuan Li, Houxiang Zhang and Lars Christian Gansel (2024), doi:10.1016/j.aquaeng.2024.102429
1. Alberto Maximiliano Crescitelli, Lars Christian Gansel and Houxiang Zhang, “NorFisk: fish image dataset from Norwegian fish farms for species recognition using deep neural networks”, 2021-1-1
[1] Jennifer L. Bell, Randy Mandel, Andrew S. Brainard, Jon Altschuld and Richard J. Wenning (2022), doi:10.1002/ieam.4622
[2] K Banno, H Kaland, AM Crescitelli, SA Tuene, GH Aas and LC Gansel (2022), doi:10.3354/aei00432
[3] Ricardo J. M. Veiga, Inigo E. Ochoa, Adela Belackova, Luis Bentes, Joao P. Silva, Jorge Semiao and Joao M. F. Rodrigues (2022), doi:10.3390/app12125910
[4] Alexa Sugpatan Abangan, Dorothee Kopp and Robin Faillettaz (2023), doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1010761