Author: J. Lillestøl

 Total number of MIC articles   1
 Total number of DOI citations  3
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  3
 Average citations per article  3.00
 Average excluding self-citations  3.00
 Years 1986 - 1986 

MIC: J. Lillestøl

1. J. Lillestøl, “On the problem of optimal timing of slaughtering in fish farming”, 1986-4-4
[1] Odd Inge Forsberg (1999), doi:10.1080/13657309909380241
[2] Run Yu, PingSun Leung and Paul Bienfang (2006), doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2005.11.022
[3] Roger Dominguez May, Juan M. Hernandez and Ivan Velazquez Abunader (2024), doi:10.1111/raq.12918