Author: Trygve Thomessen

 Total number of MIC articles   4
 Total number of DOI citations  27
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  24
 Average citations per article  6.75
 Average excluding self-citations  6.00
 Years 1993 - 2015 

MIC: Trygve Thomessen

4. Audun Sanderud, Trygve Thomessen, Hisashi Osumi and Mihoko Niitsuma, “A Proactive Strategy for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration based on a Simplified Risk Analysis”, 2015-1-2
[1] Audun Ronning Sanderud, Mihoko Niitsuma and Trygve Thomessen (2015), doi:10.1109/ETFA.2015.7301542
[2] Ana M. Djuric, R.J. Urbanic and J.L. Rickli (2016), doi:10.4271/2016-01-0337
[3] Azfar Khalid, Pierre Kirisci, Zied Ghrairi, Klaus-Dieter Thoben and Jürgen Pannek (2016), doi:10.1007/s12159-016-0151-x
[4] John O. Oyekan, Windo Hutabarat, Ashutosh Tiwari, Raphael Grech, Min H. Aung, Maria P. Mariani, Laura López-Dávalos, Timothé Ricaud, Sumit Singh and Charlène Dupuis (2019), doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2018.07.006
[5] Nikolaos Nikolakis, Vasilis Maratos and Sotiris Makris (2019), doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2018.10.003
[6] Jing Fan (2020), doi:10.1177/1729881420925631
[7] Tom P. Huck, Nadine Munch, Luisa Hornung, Christoph Ledermann and Christian Wurll (2021), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105288
[8] Diego Rodriguez-Guerra, Gorka Sorrosal, Itziar Cabanes and Carlos Calleja (2021), doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3099287
[9] Marike K. van den Broek and Thomas B. Moeslund (2024), doi:10.1145/3650117
3. Balazs Daniel, Trygve Thomessen and Peter Korondi, “Simplified Human-Robot Interaction: Modeling and Evaluation”, 2013-4-4
[1] Jochen Nelles, Sonja Th. Kwee-Meier and Alexander Mertens (2019), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96068-5_14
[2] Abdelfetah Hentout, Mustapha Aouache, Abderraouf Maoudj and Isma Akli (2019), doi:10.1080/01691864.2019.1636714
[3] P. A. Hancock, Theresa T. Kessler, Alexandra D. Kaplan, John C. Brill and James L. Szalma (2020), doi:10.1177/0018720820922080
[4] Mark Domonkos, Zoltan Dombi and Janos Botzheim (2020), doi:10.1109/CINTI51262.2020.9305854
[5] Ainhoa Apraiz, Ganix Lasa and Maitane Mazmela (2023), doi:10.1007/s12369-022-00957-z
[6] Miguel Da Silva, Remi Regnier, Maria Makarov, Guillaume Avrin and Didier Dumur (2023), doi:10.1109/SII55687.2023.10039365
[7] Yue Wang, Fangjian Li, Huanfei Zheng, Longsheng Jiang, Maziar Fooladi Mahani and Zhanrui Liao (2024), doi:10.1109/OJCSYS.2023.3345090
[8] Laszlo Keczan, Balazs Orsi, Kornel Katona, Robert Mikuska, Husam A. Neamah, Csilla Csukonyi and Peter Korondi (2024), doi:10.1109/PEMC61721.2024.10726327
[9] Ainhoa Apraiz, Ganix Lasa, Maitane Mazmela, Nestor Arana-Arexolaleiba, Antonio Serrano Munoz, Inigo Elguea and Amaia Etxabe (2025), doi:10.1007/s12369-025-01224-7
2. Are Willersrud, Fred Godtliebsen and Trygve Thomessen, “Automatic programming of grinding robot restoration of contours”, 1995-3-3
[1] Trygve Thomessen and Terje K. Lien (2000), doi:10.1108/01439910010355766
1. Trygve Thomessen, Ole J. Elle, Jon Lund Larsen, Torgrim Andersen, Jahn E. Pedersen and Terje K. Lien, “Automatic programming of grinding robot”, 1993-2-4
[1] Hee-Chan Song and Jae-Bok Song (2013), doi:10.1007/s12541-013-0013-2
[2] Are Willersrud, Fred Godtliebsen and Trygve Thomessen (1995), doi:10.4173/mic.1995.3.3
[3] M. Jinno, M. Uenohara, J. Oaki and K. Tatsuno (1999), doi:10.1109/IROS.1999.813065
[4] E. Villagrossi, C. Cenati, N. Pedrocchi, M. Beschi and Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti (2017), doi:10.1007/s00170-017-0232-2
[5] Enrico Villagrossi, Nicola Pedrocchi, Manuel Beschi and Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti (2018), doi:10.1080/0951192X.2018.1447688
[6] Rahul M. R., Rohini Y. Bhute, Shital S. Chiddarwar, Saumya Sahoo and Mohsin Dalvi (2019), doi:10.1145/3352593.3352652
[7] Ingrid Fjordheim Onstein, Oleksandr Semeniuta and Magnus Bjerkeng (2020), doi:10.1109/SIMS49386.2020.9121490
[8] Ingrid Fjordheim Onstein, Cecilia Haskins and Oleksandr Semeniuta (2022), doi:10.1002/sys.21625