Author: Marit Paulsen

 Total number of MIC articles   3
 Total number of DOI citations  14
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  14
 Average citations per article  4.67
 Average excluding self-citations  4.67
 Years 1993 - 1996 

MIC: Marit Paulsen

3. Marit Paulsen and Olav Egeland, “Passive output feedback and observer based autopilots: A comparative study”, 1996-2-5
2. Marit Paulsen and Olav Egeland, “An output feedback tracking controller for ships with nonlinear damping terms”, 1996-2-3
[1] Jin Cheng, Jianqiang Yi and Dongbin Zhao (2006), doi:10.1109/CESA.2006.4281744
1. Thor I. Fossen and Marit Paulsen, “Adaptive feedback linearization applied to steering of ships”, 1993-4-4
[1] S. Jiffri, P. Paoletti, J. E. Cooper and J. E. Mottershead (2014), doi:10.1155/2014/106531
[2] M. A. Unar and D. J. Murray-Smith (1999), doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1115(199906)13:4<203::AID-ACS544>3.0.CO;2-T
[3] R. Simensen and D.J. Murray-Smith (1996), doi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)43732-3
[4] Chong Zhen, Shakir Jiffri, Daochun Li, Jinwu Xiang and John E. Mottershead (2018), doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.05.048
[5] S. Jiffri, J. E. Mottershead and J. E. Cooper (2014), doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6585-0_66
[6] Christian Lena, Matteo Bonci and Frans van Walree (2021), doi:10.3233/ISP-201006
[7] Hoang Thi Tu Uyen, Pham Duc Tuan, Le Viet Anh and Phan Xuan Minh (2018), doi:10.1109/ICSSE.2018.8520227
[8] Ze Li, Wangyao Xu, Jinpeng Yu, Chengxi Wang and Guozeng Cui (2022), doi:10.1109/TCSII.2021.3099491
[9] Yanbin Wu, Pengfei Gao, Rui Wu and Jialu Du (2023), doi:10.1007/s12555-021-0782-9
[10] Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Linn Danielsen Evjemo, Bent Oddvar Arnesen Haugalokken, Herman Biorn Amundsen and Eleni Kelasidi (2023), doi:10.1109/MED59994.2023.10185714
[11] Toma Sikora, Jonathan Klein Schiphorst and Riccardo Scattolini (2023), doi:10.3390/computation11110216
[12] Toma Sikora, Jonathan Klein Schiphorst and Riccardo Scattolini (2023), doi:10.23919/SpliTech58164.2023.10193554
[13] Qifu Wang, Chenchen Jiang, Jun Ning, Liying Hao and Yong Yin (2025), doi:10.3390/act14030130