13. | Rolf Ergon, “Errors-in-variables and validation problems in reaction norm predictions for wild populations”, 2025-1-2 |
12. | Rolf Ergon, “Microevolutionary system identification and climate response predictions by use of BLUP prediction error method”, 2023-3-1 |
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11. | Rolf Ergon, “A BLUP derivation of the multivariate breeder's equation, with an elucidation of errors in BLUP variance estimates, and a prediction method for inbred populations”, 2022-4-2 |
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10. | Rolf Ergon, “Microevolutionary system identification and climate response predictions”, 2022-3-1 |
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9. | Rolf Ergon, “Quantitative genetics state-space modeling of phenotypic plasticity and evolution”, 2019-1-5 |
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8. | Bernt Lie, David Di Ruscio, Rolf Ergon, Bjørn Glemmestad, Maths Halstensen, Finn Haugen, Saba Mylvaganam, Nils-Olav Skeie and Dietmar Winkler, “Modeling, Identification and Control at Telemark University College”, 2009-3-4 |
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7. | Rolf Ergon, “Modified Smith-predictor multirate control utilizing secondary process measurements”, 2007-1-2 |
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6. | Rolf Ergon, “Informative PLS score-loading plots for process understanding and monitoring”, 2005-1-2 |
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5. | Rolf Ergon, “Noise Handling Capabilities of Multivariate Calibration Methods”, 2002-4-2 |
| [1] Rolf Ergon, Maths Halstensen and Kim H. Esbensen (2011), doi:10.1002/cem.1356 |
[2] Maryam Ghadrdan, Chriss Grimholt and Sigurd Skogestad (2013), doi:10.1021/ie400542n |
[3] Bernt Lie, David Di Ruscio, Rolf Ergon, Bjørn Glemmestad, Maths Halstensen, Finn Haugen, Saba Mylvaganam, Nils-Olav Skeie and Dietmar Winkler (2009), doi:10.4173/mic.2009.3.4 |
[4] Rolf Ergon (2013), doi:10.1002/9781118434635.ch08 |
[5] Rolf Manne, Randy J. Pell and L. Scott Ramos (2009), doi:10.1002/cem.1181 |
[6] R. Ergon (2009), doi:10.1002/cem.1180 |
[7] Rolf Ergon (2013), doi:10.1002/9781118434635.ch8 |
4. | Rolf Ergon and Kim H. Esbensen, “A didactically motivated PLS prediction algorithm”, 2001-3-1 |
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3. | Rolf Ergon and Maths Halstensen, “Dynamic system multivariate calibration based on multirate sampling data”, 2001-2-2 |
| [1] Bernt Lie, David Di Ruscio, Rolf Ergon, Bjørn Glemmestad, Maths Halstensen, Finn Haugen, Saba Mylvaganam, Nils-Olav Skeie and Dietmar Winkler (2009), doi:10.4173/mic.2009.3.4 |
[2] Satu-Pia Reinikainen and Agnar H skuldsson (2003), doi:10.1002/cem.770 |
2. | Rolf Ergon, “Dynamic system calibration: the low primary output sampling rate case”, 1998-2-3 |
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1. | Rolf Ergon, “Dynamic system multivariate calibration by system identification methods”, 1998-2-2 |
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