Author: Wolfgang Ebenhöh

 Total number of MIC articles   2
 Total number of DOI citations  19
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  18
 Average citations per article  9.50
 Average excluding self-citations  9.00
 Years 1980 - 1981 

MIC: Wolfgang Ebenhöh

2. Wolfgang Ebenhöh, “Instability of a Uniform Plankton Distribution”, 1981-2-3
[1] Jens G. Balchen (2000), doi:10.4173/mic.2000.1.1
1. Wolfgang Ebenhöh, “A Model of the Dynamics of Plankton Patchiness”, 1980-2-2
[1] TOSHIO MATSUMURA and YOSHIYUKI SAKAWA (1981), doi:10.1080/00207728108963766
[2] Alexander B. Medvinsky, Sergei V. Petrovskii, Irene A. Tikhonova, Horst Malchow and Bai-Lian Li (2002), doi:10.1137/S0036144502404442
[3] Knut L. Seip (1981), doi:10.4173/mic.1981.3.2
[4] Benjamin H. Letcher and James A. Rice (1997), doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(96)00015-4
[5] Sergei Petrovskii, Horst Malchow and Alexander Medvinsky (2003), doi:10.1201/9780203489550.ch25
[6] Jens G. Balchen (2000), doi:10.4173/mic.2000.1.1
[7] Horst Malchow, Birgit Radtke, Malaak Kallache, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Dmitry A. Tikhonov and Sergei V. Petrovskii (2000), doi:10.1016/S0362-546X(99)00393-4
[8] D.A. Tikhonov, J. Enderlein, H. Malchow and Alexander B. Medvinsky (2001), doi:10.1016/S0960-0779(00)00049-7
[9] Franck Touratier, Louis Legendre and Alain Vézina (2000), doi:10.1016/S0924-7963(00)00061-0
[10] H.G. Fransz, J.P. Mommaerts and G. Radach (1991), doi:10.1016/0077-7579(91)90005-L
[11] Dag Slagstad (1981), doi:10.4173/mic.1981.3.1
[12] Mark Reed and Jens G. Balchen (1982), doi:10.4173/mic.1982.2.1
[13] A. B. Medvinsky, S. V. Petrovskii, D. A. Tikhonov, I. A. Tikhonova, G. R. Ivanitsky, E. Venturino and H. Malchow (2001), doi:10.1007/BF02708983
[14] Wolfgang Ebenhöh (1981), doi:10.4173/mic.1981.2.3
[15] Horst Malchow, Sergei V Petrovskii and Alexander B Medvinsky (2002), doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(01)00467-7
[16] Aleksandr B. Medvinskii, Sergei V. Petrovskii, Irina A. Tikhonova, D.A. Tikhonov, B.L. Li, E. Venturino, H. Malchow and Genrikh R. Ivanitskii (2002), doi:10.3367/UFNr.0172.200201b.0031
[17] M. Reed, K. Jayko, T. Isaji and J. Rosen (1984), doi:10.1109/OCEANS.1984.1152320
[18] HORST MALCHOW (2000), doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2000.00550.x