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DOI Forward Links to MIC for Year: 1991

 Total number of MIC articles in 1991  16
 Total number of DOI citations  55
 Average citations per article   3.44 

1991, Vol. 12, No. 4:
1.Sigurd Skogestad, Morten Hovd and Petter Lundström, “Simple frequency-dependent tools for analysis of inherent control limitations”, pp. 159-177
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen and Jinsong Zhao (2011), doi:10.1002/aic.12340
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[4] J.H.A. Ludlage, S. Weiland, A.A. Stoorvogel and T.A.C.P.M. Backx (2003), doi:10.1109/TAC.2003.814108
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[6] V.J. Pohjola, M.K. Alha and K. Lien (1994), doi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)47985-7
2.Ivar Ø. SandOn unsteady reacting flow in a channel with a cavity”, pp. 179-205
3.Jens G. BalchenPossible roles of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROV) and robotics in mariculture of the future”, pp. 207-217
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Jens G. Balchen (2000), doi:10.4173/mic.2000.1.1
[2] A.R. Frost, A.P. McMaster, K.G. Saunders and S.R. Lee (1996), doi:10.1016/S0144-8609(96)01004-7
[3] Christian Schellewald, Annette Stahl and Eleni Kelasidi (2021), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.128
[4] Nadir Kapetanovic, Dula Nad and Nikola Miskovic (2021), doi:10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705776
[5] E. Kelasidi, B. Su, W. Caharija, M. Fore, M.O. Pedersen and K. Frank (2022), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.461
[6] Eleni Kelasidi and Eirik Svendsen (2023), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-89123-7_202-1
[7] Eleni Kelasidi and Eirik Svendsen (2023), doi:10.1007/978-3-031-24861-0_202
[8] Herman Biorn Amundsen, Martin Fore, Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Bent Oddvar Arnesen Haugalokken and Eleni Kelasidi (2024), doi:10.1109/TFR.2024.3421393
1991, Vol. 12, No. 3:
1.Wei Wang and Rolf Henriksen, “A simplified algorithm of weighted generalized predictive adaptive control”, pp. 107-115
2.Jens G. BalchenThe Stability of mxm Multivariable Process Control Systems”, pp. 117-127
3.Thor I. Fossen and Bjarne A. Foss, “Sliding control of MIMO nonlinear systems”, pp. 129-138
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Roberto Font and Javier García-Peláez (2013), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.07.021
[2] M. Perrier, V. Rigaud, C.C. de Wit and R. Bachmayer (1994), doi:10.1109/ROBOT.1994.350974
[3] D. Maalouf, I. Tamanaja, E. Campos, A. Chemori, V. Creuze, J. Torres and R. Lozano (2013), doi:10.3182/20130204-3-FR-2033.00085
[4] Ole M.R. Rabanal, Astrid H. Brodtkorb and Morten Breivik (2016), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.352
[5] Uzair Ansari, Abdulrahman H. Bajodah and Saqib Alam (2016), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.498
[6] Uzair Ansari and Abdulrahman H Bajodah (2017), doi:10.1177/1475090217708640
[7] Hui Li, Xuemei Pan and Chen Guo (2017), doi:10.23919/ChiCC.2017.8027451
[8] Hyun-Shik Oh, Min-Jea Tahk, Dong-Wan Yoo and Byung-Yoon Lee (2018), doi:10.1007/s42405-018-0053-z
[9] M. Perrier and C. Canudas-De-Wit (1996), doi:10.1007/BF00141155
[10] Anyuan Bi and Zhengping Feng (2019), doi:10.1007/s00773-019-00670-z
[11] Anyuan Bi, Fengye Zhao, Xiantao Zhang and Tong Ge (2020), doi:10.3390/jmse8030181
[12] Anyuan Bi, Zhengping Feng and Chenlu He (2021), doi:10.1115/1.4048788
[13] Osama Alagili, Mohammad Aminul Islam Khan, Salim Ahmed, Syed Imtiaz, Hasanat Zaman and Mohammed Islam (2020), doi:10.1109/AUV50043.2020.9267928
[14] Anyuan Bi, Zhengping Feng, Yuchen Zhu and Xu Deng (2021), doi:10.1007/s12204-021-2341-1
4.Wei Wang and Rolf Henriksen, “Globally convergent generalized pole-placement adaptive control algorithm”, pp. 139-147
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Huaizhong Hu, Jianbo Zhang, Qingyu Yang and Yuanli Cai (2017), doi:10.1109/CCDC.2017.7979038
5.David Di RuscioMaximal imaginery eigenvalues in optimal systems”, pp. 149-158
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] D. Di Ruscio (1991), doi:10.1109/CDC.1991.261580
[2] D. Di Ruscio (1992), doi:10.1109/CDC.1992.371469
1991, Vol. 12, No. 2:
1.Olav EgelandThe Norwegian research programme on advanced robotic systems”, pp. 57-67
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] S. BASU, V.M. HUYNH and S.P. DUTTA (1996), doi:10.1080/00207549608904971
[2] T.I. Fossen and J.G. Balchen (1991), doi:10.1109/OCEANS.1991.606498
2.Jens G. Balchen, Fredrik Dessen and G. Skofteland, “Sensor Integration Using State Estimators”, pp. 69-80
3.Jens G. BalchenNonlinear Decoupling in Process Control”, pp. 81-94
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Jens G. Balchen and Bjarne Sandrib (1995), doi:10.4173/mic.1995.1.3
[2] Jens G. Balchen and Bjarne Sandrib (1995), doi:10.1016/0959-1524(95)00016-J
[3] Jens G. Balchen (1993), doi:10.4173/mic.1993.4.3
[4] Jens G. Balchen and Bjarne Sandrib (1994), doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-042229-9.50081-1
[5] Jens G. Balchen and Bjarne Sandrib (1994), doi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)48198-5
[6] D. E. Seborg (1999), doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-0853-5_4
4.Thor I. Fossen and Svein I. Sagatun, “Adaptive control of nonlinear underwater robotic systems”, pp. 95-105
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Motoki Takagi, Hayato Mori, Adiljan Yimit, Yoshihiro Hagihara and Tasuku Miyoshi (2016), doi:10.20965/jrm.2016.p0397
[2] Ida Louise G. Borlaug, Jan Tommy Gravdahl, Jørgen Sverdrup-Thygeson, Kristin Y. Pettersen and Antonio Loria (2018), doi:10.1002/asjc.1840
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[4] M. Bibuli, A. Odetti and E. Zereik (2019), doi:10.1080/20464177.2019.1707386
[5] Wenyang Gan, Daqi Zhu, Zhen Hu, Xianpeng Shi, Lei Yang and Yunsai Chen (2020), doi:10.1109/TIE.2019.2941132
[6] Ida-Louise G. Borlaug, Kristin Y. Pettersen and Jan Tommy Gravdahl (2021), doi:10.1109/TCST.2020.2977302
[7] Ida-Louise G. Borlaug, Kristin Y. Pettersen and Jan Tommy Gravdahl (2021), doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108480
[8] Herman B. Amundsen, Walter Caharija and Kristin Y. Pettersen (2021), doi:10.1109/JOE.2021.3105285
[9] Harun Tugal, Kamil Cetin, Xiaoran Han, Ibrahim Kucukdemiral, Joshua Roe, Yvan Petillot and M. Suphi Erden (2022), doi:10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9812005
[10] Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Herman Biorn Amundsen, Walter Caharija and Christian Holden (2022), doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2022.105282
[11] Evan Wilt and Timothy Sands (2022), doi:10.3390/s22228723
[12] Martin Skaldebo, Herman B. Amundsen, Biao Su and Eleni Kelasidi (2023), doi:10.1109/ICMA57826.2023.10215600
[13] Ida-Louise G. Borlaug, Kristin Y. Pettersen and Jan Tommy Gravdahl (2019), doi:10.23919/ACC.2019.8815093
[14] Milind Fernandes, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo and Mangal Kothari (2023), doi:10.1109/UT49729.2023.10103415
1991, Vol. 12, No. 1:
1.Bjørn A.J. Angelsen, S.A. Slørdahl, J.E. Solbakken, S.O. Samstad, D.T. Linker, H. Torp and H. Piene, “Estimation of Regurgitant Volume and Orifice in Aortic Regurgitation Combining CW Doppler and Parameter Estimation in a Windkessel Like Model”, pp. 3-12
2.Jan R. Sagli and Olav Egeland, “Using Momentum Conservation to Control Kinematically Redundant Manipulators”, pp. 13-25
3.Tor S. Schei, Peter Singstad and Aage J. Thunem, “Transient Simulations of Gas-Oil-Water Separation Plants”, pp. 27-46
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Svein Stokke, Stig Strand and Dag Sjong (1995), doi:10.1007/978-94-011-0135-6_27
[2] Thorsten Jonach, Bahram Haddadi, Christian Jordan and Michael Harasek (2023), doi:10.3390/en16104111
4.Trond AndresenA Recursive Algorithm for the Reduction of Block Diagrams”, pp. 47-56