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If you have ever tried to follow an URL in an article older than 5-10 years, more often than not you will find that the URL is no longer active. The DOI system is an attempt to overcome this deficiency by providing stable and permanent references for intellectual property on the web.
The MIC journal has implemented the DOI system for every single article published in MIC since the foundation year in 1980. The DOI prefix for MIC is 10.4173 and an individual article has been assigned a DOI on the following format: 10.4173/ For example, the first article published in MIC by Oddvar Hallingstad has the following DOI: 10.4173/mic.1980.1.1 and the following permanent URL This permanent URL links back to the website. If the MIC website is moved in the future, the DOI information will be updated to point to the new address.
Another advantage of the DOI system, is the possibility to register all the references in an article in a structured manner. All the references made in MIC articles starting from 1980 have been submitted into the DOI system. The effect is an increased visibility of MIC articles, which again will lead to a wider audience. MIC also participates in the 'cited-by' system, which can be seen for this article. 'cited-by' shows which other papers have included the actual paper in the reference lists.
The MIC class files for pdfLaTeX found in the Author Information have commands for embedding DOI information in the PDF files. Prospective authors for future MIC articles will receive the DOI identification when the article is accepted. Authors are encouraged to embed the tag into the PDF file themselves using pdflatex prior to publication. Authors are also encouraged to embed DOI tags in their reference lists.
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DOI Forward Links to MIC for Year: 2022
Total number of MIC articles in 2022 | 12 |
Total number of DOI citations | 37 |
Average citations per article | 3.08 |
2022, Vol. 43, No. 4:
1. | David Di Ruscio and Christer Dalen, “On subspace system identification methods”, pp. 119-130 | ||
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2. | Rolf Ergon “A BLUP derivation of the multivariate breeder's equation, with an elucidation of errors in BLUP variance estimates, and a prediction method for inbred populations”, pp. 131-140 | ||
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3. | Stig Kvaal, Per Østby and Morten Breivik, “DP and the Art of Perfect Positioning”, pp. 141-159 | ||
1. | Rolf Ergon “Microevolutionary system identification and climate response predictions”, pp. 91-99 | |||
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2. | Peihua Han, Guoyuan Li and Houxiang Zhang, “Leveraging Past Experience for Path planning of Marine Vessel: A Docking Example”, pp. 101-109 | |||
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3. | Nour Bargouth, Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio, “Dynamic positioning, system identification and control of marine vessels”, pp. 111-117 | |||
1. | Zhe Ban, Ali Ghaderi, Nima Janatian and Carlos F. Pfeiffer, “Parameter Estimation for a Gas Lifting Oil Well Model Using Bayes' Rule and the Metropolis–Hastings Algorithm”, pp. 39-53 | ||||||
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2. | Emil H. Thyri and Morten Breivik, “Collision avoidance for ASVs through trajectory planning: MPC with COLREGs-compliant nonlinear constraints”, pp. 55-77 | ||||||
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3. | Torbjørn Smith and Olav Egeland, “Dynamical Pose Estimation with Graduated Non-Convexity for Outlier Robustness”, pp. 79-89 | ||||||
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1. | Martinius Knudsen, Sverre Hendseth, Gunnar Tufte and Axel Sandvig, “Model-free Control of Partially Observable Underactuated Systems by pairing Reinforcement Learning with Delay Embeddings”, pp. 1-8 | ||||||||||||
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2. | Ola Alstad and Olav Egeland, “Elimination of Reflections in Laser Scanning Systems with Convolutional Neural Networks”, pp. 9-20 | ||||||||||||
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3. | Andreas Klausen, Hyunh van Khang and Kjell G. Robbersmyr, “RMS Based Health Indicators for Remaining Useful Lifetime Estimation of Bearings”, pp. 21-38 | ||||||||||||
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