Editorial Policy:
The fields of primary emphasis by MIC are:
♦ Modeling
General methodology of modeling including choice of structure, model reduction, numerical aspects, systems for computer aided modeling, etc.
♦ Identification
General methodology including system structure, identifiability, convergence, numerical aspects, systems for computer aided identification, etc.
♦ Control
General methodology including system specification, derivation of control strategies, analysis of system properties such as stability, sensitivity, etc.
♦ Applications
Demonstration, by simulations or experiments, of applications of theory within the above fields to engineering, biological, economic, ecological, social, geophysical, agricultural systems and others.
Please first contact the editor (email: editor[@] of MIC. You will then be evaluated if you are able to publish in MIC or not. Please note that for historical reasons MIC has a geographical profile – at least one of the authors needs to be affiliated with a Nordic research institution. In practice, MIC accepts papers with foreign authors if one of the two conditions below are met:
1) The foreign author has been a visiting researcher in Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland, or
2) The author from Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland has been a visiting researcher at the foreign co-author’s research institute.
Please respect these conditions to publish in MIC. MIC is based on voluntary effort, has a small editorial team and no income from subscriptions or author fees. We do not have the capacity to process a larger amount of submitted papers.
If you are evaluated to be able to publish in MIC, you are then told to send the manuscript for review. The review process consists of two stages: the first review is made by the editor or the editorial secretary. If accepted in the first review, the second review will be made by one or more internationally recognised experts in the field of work. If accepted in both stages, you have to change the manuscript in order to fulfill the changes noted in the reviewers responses, and send the final article in the PDF format generated by LaTeX.
MIC does not enfore a strict page limit on submitted papers, but a typical length is 10-20 pages. However, the PDF file size should be kept as low as possible.
When an article is accepted for publication in MIC, the authors must agree that MIC can make their work available for free download on the Internet. Once an article has been published in MIC, it can not later be withdrawn. However, MIC allows that archived articles later can be modified and/or corrected, if the authors wish to do so. When an article is corrected, both the old and the new versions may be kept on the website, depending on the changes made. Due to the MIC policy of a widest possible audience, the authors of accepted articles are free to publish their work in other publication channels. However, the other channels must accept that the articles will remain published at the MIC website.
LaTeX template files:
Template files for pdfLaTeX: (Right-click on link and “Save Target As…” in browser.)
Template files for traditional LaTeX: (Right-click on link and “Save Target As…” in browser.)
We recommend the MikTeX software for typesetting the document.
We recommend one of the following text editors: TeXnicCenter or WinEdt.
Copyright and Permissions:
All articles in MIC are published with the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license. See:
Please note that the copyright of all the articles in MIC belong to the Norwegian Society of Automatic Control.
Regarding Create Commons Attribution:
Since 2004, all current licenses require attribution of the original author (the BY component).
Generally this implies the following:
* Include the copyright notice by the Norwegian Society of Automatic Control. The notice must be left intact, or reproduced in a way that is reasonable to the medium in which the work is being re-published.
* Cite the author’s name and work’s title. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice to link these to the article’s web-page at MIC.
* Cite the specific CC license the work is under. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice if the license citation links to the license on the CC website.
* Mention if the work is a derivative work or adaptation, in addition to the above, one needs to identify that their work is a derivative work, e.g., ”This is a Finnish translation of [original work] by [author].”