This page shows the former editors and editorial secretaries of the MIC journal since the first issue was launched in 1980.
Editor 2009 to Present: Geir Hovland, Professor at the University of Agder.
Editor 2003 – 2008: Morten Hovd, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim.Editor 1980 – 2002: Jens G. Balchen, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim. More information about Jens G. Balchen is available here and here (both in Norwegian). Jens Glad Balchen passed away on April 12, 2009. An obituary published in Teknisk Ukeblad can be found here (translated).
Editorial Secretaries:
2008 – 2010: Pål Johan From, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, PhD Student (now Associate Editor of MIC and Professor at University of Life Sciences (UMB)).2005 – 2008: Jostein Bakkeheim, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim.1999 – 2004: Lars S. Imsland, Cybernetica AS(Research Scientist), Trondheim. From 2010, professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Trondheim.1992 – 1998: Tor Arne Johansen, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim.1987 – 1991: Finn Haugen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and Founder of TeachTech AS, Porsgrunn. Finn organised the annual meetings of the journal during this period. One year 13 members of the board participated at the Norwegian Research Council’s (then NTNF) offices at Ullevål, Oslo. The board members at the time included: Freddy Krogh from Sentralinstituttet for Industriell Forskning (SI), Robert Major (director of NTNF), Oddvar Hallingstad from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Jens Ytreeide from Norsk Hydro, Lars Valløe from the University of Oslo as well as Finn Haugen and Jens G. Balchen.1985 – 1986: Olav Egeland, currently Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Former Professor at Department of Engineering Cybernetics (1989-2007).1980 – 1984: Aage Jostein Thunem, SINTEF, Trondheim.