Christian Michelsen Research
Total number of MIC articles | 12 |
Total number of DOI citations | 102 |
Average citations per article | 8.50 |
Years | 1980 - 2013 |
2013-1-3: Anders Hallanger and Ivar Ø. Sand, “CFD Wake Modelling with a BEM Wind Turbine Sub-Model”
1994-1-2: Ø. Isaksen and J.E. Nordtvedt, “A new recontruction algorithm for use with capacitance-based tomography”
1992-2-1: Øyvind Midttveit, Viktor Berge and Eivind Dykesteen, “Multiphase flow metering using capacitance transducer and multivariate calibration”
1991-4-2: Ivar Ø. Sand, “On unsteady reacting flow in a channel with a cavity”
1989-4-4: Bjørn H. Hjertager, “Simulation of gas explosions”
1986-2-4: Sjur D. Flåm, “Variable Quotas, Irreversible Investment and Optimal Capacity in the Fisheries”
1986-2-3: Sjur D. Flåm and Sverre Storøy, “Diversifying the Risk Associated with Exploration”
1984-4-3: Bjørn H. Hjertager, “Computer Simulation of Turbulent Reactive Gas Dynamics”
1983-4-2: Sjur D. Flåm, “Optimality in Infinite Horizon Discrete Time Models of Resource Management”
1983-2-3: Sjur D. Flåm, “How to Drive a Delayed Response, Stochastic System Close to Equilibrium”
1982-4-1: Audun Otteren, “A Mathematical Model for Dynamic Analysis of a Flexible Marine Riser Connected to a Floating Vessel”
1980-3-2: Hans R. Sørheim, “Analysis of Motion in Single-Point Mooring Systems”