University of Oslo

 Total number of MIC articles   5
 Total number of DOI citations  72
 Average citations per article  14.40
 Years 1980 - 1994 

MIC: University of Oslo

1994-4-2: Bjørn Lillekjendlie, Dimitris Kugiumtzis and Nils Christophersen, “Chaotic time series. Part II. System Identification and Prediction”

1994-4-1: Dimitris Kugiumtzis, Bjørn Lillekjendlie and Nils Christophersen, “Chaotic time series. Part I. Estimation of some invariant properties in state-space”

1981-2-2: Sven Ø. Wille, “Pressure and flow in arterial aneurysms simulated in mathematical models”

1980-2-4: Sven Ø. Wille, “A Finite-Element Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Two-Dimensional and Axis-Symmetric Flow”

1980-2-3: Erik Aarnæs, “On the Problem of Identification in Compartment Analysis”