
 Total number of MIC articles   13
 Total number of DOI citations  64
 Average citations per article  4.92
 Years 1986 - 2016 

MIC: Statoil

2016-1-3: Jing Zhou, Jan Einar Gravdal, Per Strand and Svein Hovland, “Automated Kick Control Procedure for an Influx in Managed Pressure Drilling Operations”

2014-4-2: Ivan Metrikin, “A Software Framework for Simulating Stationkeeping of a Vessel in Discontinuous Ice”

2013-3-3: Johannes Møgster, John-Morten Godhavn and Lars Imsland, “Using MPC for Managed Pressure Drilling”

2012-1-2: Roshan Sharma, Kjetil Fjalestad and Bjørn Glemmestad, “Optimization of lift gas allocation in a gas lifted oil field as non-linear optimization problem”

2008-4-1: Tore Lid and Sigurd Skogestad, “Data reconciliation and optimal operation of a Catalytic naphtha reformer”

2008-3-3: Elvira M.B. Aske, Stig Strand and Sigurd Skogestad, “Coordinator MPC for maximizing plant throughput”

2003-4-4: Sigurd Skogestad and Audun Faanes, “State Space Realization of Model Predictive Controllers Without Active Constraints”

2003-2-3: Emil H. Edwin and Jens G. Balchen, “Dynamic Optimization and Production Planning of Thermal Cracking Operation”

1997-2-5: Stig Strand and Lars Håkon Veland, “Model-predictive control and real-time optimization of a cat cracker unit”

1997-2-4: T. Dahl, A. Hashemi-Ahmady and Bernt Lie, “Modelling and simulation of phase equilibrium in dynamic systems”

1990-2-1: Magne Hillestad, C. Sørlie, T.F. Anderson, I. Olsen and Terje Hertzberg, “Multivariable robust adaptive controller using reduced-order model”

1989-3-2: Kurt Strand, Håvard Nordhus, Peter Singstad and Magne Hillestad, “Role of computational efficiency in process simulation”

1986-3-2: Arnstein J. Borstad, “Man-Machine Interface Design for Modeling and Simulation Software”