Total number of MIC articles | 5 |
Total number of DOI citations | 11 |
Average citations per article | 2.20 |
Years | 1987 - 2003 |
2003-1-1: Ingar Solberg, “Wave Detection and Characterization from Current and Voltage Signals of an Aluminium Smelting Cell”
2002-2-2: Marta Duenas Diez, G. Ausland, Magne Fjeld and Bernt Lie, “Simulation of a Hydrometallurgical Leaching Reactor modeled as a DAE system”
1998-1-3: Tormod Drengstig, Dag Ljungquist and Bjarne A. Foss, “On the AlF3 and temperature control of an aluminium electrolysis cell”
1997-4-1: Stein O. Wasbø, Bjarne A. Foss and Ragnar Tronstad, “Object-oriented Ferromanganese Furnace Model”
1987-2-3: Reidar Innvær, Knut Fidje and Terje Sira, “3-Dimensional Calculations on Smelting Electrodes”